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Thread: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

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  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Broken Arrow, OK

    Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Seeing that the currently playing thread completely disappeared I decided to talk to Telegraph and we came to an agreement that the new currently playing should be more then just listing the current game you are playing. There should be a little thought put into this process by adding some detail.

    This way people who are interested also know where you are, what you are doing and what not. If you plan on putting spoilers in this then be kind and throw them in spoiler tags.

    I went ahead and made a quick template that is for your use or if you want to make variations of it to fit the current game that you are playing that is fine also. I made it kind of generic and not genre specific so feel free to alter it as you need it to be.

    Also if you are playing multiple titles you can list them all in a single post just re use the template.

    Note: you do not have to use the template in it's entirety.

    Current game:
    Current play through:
    Current game completion (if known):
    Current party (if applicable):
    Current level(s) (if applicable):
    Current location:
    Current in game clock time:
    How have you been using your in game time?:
    Current objective:
    Next objective:
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at:
    Total game overs?:
    Favorite event so far:
    Favorite character and why:
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect):
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent):
    As for me I have pretty much stopped playing some of the other titles that I was playing so that I can concentrate on this one game. I still plan on finishing up the rest of Heavy Rain and working on a review but seeing I lent it out it might be a few weeks before I get that up and going again.

    Current game: Breath of Fire III

    Platform: PS1 on the PS3.

    Current play through: Got to say this is my third maybe forth time

    Current game completion (if known): N/A

    Current party (if applicable): Ryu, Nina, and Momo

    Current level(s) (if applicable): 14, 13 and 12

    Current location: The tower

    Current in game clock time: 7:04

    How have you been using your in game time?: Mainly just playing around.
    Spent a while leveling up at the beginning and there has been about 2 hours worth of smoke breaks and phone calls that have slowed me down a little. Also I have been exploring and fishing a lot.

    Current objective: Escape the tower

    Next objective: Get back to Wyndia

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: So far I am having a blast replaying this one. I haven’t played it in so long that I have forgot what it was mainly about including the story, game play and strategies. Also I remembered why I never really used Momo.

    Total game overs?: 1 out of stupidity.

    Favorite event so far: The Wyndia Catacombs are always fun. For some reason I have always enjoyed giving that area a play though.

    Favorite character and why: Rei, not sure. I just remember him being a bad ass and am still drawn to him for some reason even though I don’t remember that much about him. Plus he has good intentions; just look what he did for the kids. He became the guardian of 2 kids and started to raise them even though he could barely feed hiself.

    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): Nothing at the moment

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): N/A want to beat it again before giving it a star rating.

    Comments: I love this game. I miss the old school feeling that a lot of the new games are currently missing. The more I play this one the more I actually want to sit down and play through some of my older titles.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 06-10-2010 at 10:08 PM.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

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    United, we move as one
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